VILTROX 13mmF1.4 X/Z/E Mount APSC






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VILTROX 13mmF1.4 series lenses cover Fujifilm X-mount, Nikon Z-mount, and Sony E-mount APS-C sensor system. It supports Eye-AF /face detection autofocusing, EXIF info transmission, and USB firmware update. The fast accurate focusing performance and maximum lens breath make it a beast at vlogging or video shooting projects. Those who like night cityscapes, night street photography, or even astrophotography will benefit from the F1.4-F16 fast large aperture. Its premium optical construction also contributes to the negligible chromatic abbreviation and distortion.

With a  very versatile focal length of 13mm and being compact and lightweight, it can be used in a wide range of applications from vlog, and astrophotography to landscape, street photography, and so on, which greatly relieved users of part of their luggage.




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